Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not receiving expected GLCCSchool emails.
The most common issue we hear is that webinar registrants have not received any information about a class for which they've registered. Typically that occurs because one's mail reader is flagging GLCCSchool emails as junk mail, likely because they've been sent by the GLCCSchool web application rather than an actual individual. If you think you should have received something from GLCCSchool but have not received anything, make sure to check your junk mail files first and mark any GLCCSchool emails stored there as "Not Junk". Also, make sure that the addresses and are marked as safe senders by your email reader.
I can't remember my password.
If you can't remember your password simply go to the Log In link just under the home page logo, enter your GLCCSchool user-id or email address, and then click "Forgot My Password" and follow directions to reset your password.
I already have a GLCC User-ID and Password. Why do I need to enroll in GLCCSchool and get a new ID and Password?
Although GLCCSchool is wholly operated by the Great Lakes Cruising Club, it is equally open to non-GLCC members. For security purposes we do not share ID, password, or any other information between the GLCC Club's web site and the GLCCSchool web site. Enrollment in GLCCSchool is easy and fast, and establishes a baseline of enrollment information which is used to help simplify your registration for individual webinars. Your enrollment also helps us share periodic updates on upcoming classes (you can always opt out of those emails if you find them too intrusive).
We highly recommend you enroll in GLCCSchool even if you haven't as yet planned to register for any GLCCSchool webinars.
How is my personal information used and protected?
GLCCSchool and the Great Lakes Cruising Club have established multiple protections to ensure that each individual's privacy is strictly maintained. While you will receive occasional emails from GLCCSchool or the GLCC, neither orgnization shares email addresses, mailing lists, or other similar information with any other parties or organizations with the exception that individual webinar instructors are given the email addresses of students for their classes so they can share supplementary materials or engage in email Q&A dialogues after a webinar has concluded. Pages involving the transmittal of personal information utilize secure sockets encryption, the same industry-standard encryption method used in your banking, credit card, on-line purchase transactions, and the like. Further, GLCCSchool retains no credit card information once a webinar purchase transaction has been securely processed. The next time you register for a webinar you will be again asked for your card information, as the application does not keep that information on file.
Need more help?
Click here to see our YouTube video The GLCCSchool in Four Easy Steps. It explains how to enroll in the GLCCSchool, how to register for webinars and how to obtain and use use your discount/free webinar coupons.
Click here to go to our Contact Us. One of our GLCCSchool volunteers will get back to you.