Making the Leap to Distance and Overnight Passagemaking

The instructor for this webinar, Bill Rohde, brings literally thousands of miles of passagemaking, mostly under sail but more recently also under power, to the table for this class. Starting with his first overnights while chartering with friends on Lake Superior roughly 40 years ago, overnight and longer passages have been a standard part of his and his wife’s cruise planning for years now, including Great Lakes and Ocean Passages ranging from 100 to 200 or more miles, and nonstop offshore ocean passages approaching 1500 miles. In this webinar Bill will speak to boat and crew preparation, planning considerations, handling watches, nighttime navigation, meal planning and prep while underway, dealing with weather, safety considerations, the benefits and downsides of buddy boating, ... and more. He’ll also speak to the sheer joy of sailing offshore overnight.
If it’s time for you to expand your cruising horizons by venturing farther from home within your always-tight vacation schedules, or perhaps to simply begin preparations toward distance ocean cruising, this webinar is for you.