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If you cruise the Great Lakes, you may see a distinctive burgee with five interconnected chain-links that form a complete circle. It identifies the boat's owners as members of the Great Lakes Cruising Club (GLCC).

We proudly fly our GLCC burgees from the bow staffs of our power cruisers or from the spreaders of our sailboats. And we do get around. GLCC members take their boats far and wide on North America's five Great Lakes and their tributaries. We are found on the water from Duluth to Quebec; from Chicago to Buffalo; and from Toledo to Toronto. Some members are partial to the legendary North Channel, while others prefer cruising the secluded wilderness of Lake Superior's North Shore. The club has more than 2,500 members in the U.S. and Canada. We are known to be a friendly bunch of serious boaters who warmly welcome new members and are willing to share our love of the lakes and our knowledge about how to cruise them.

Click here to visit the GLCC main site

Upcoming classes

Thunderstorms can quickly spoil an outing in many ways—strong winds, large waves, dangerous lightning, waterspouts, or visibility-limiting rain. This in-depth two-session webinar will examine the various types of thunderstorms and the ingredients that lead to their formation.
The equipment you need to communicate on the water varies depending on where and how you will use your boat. Furthermore, the technologies for communicating are changing all the time. Do you possess the appropriate communication equipment? Is your current equipment outdated and potentially unsafe? Does your equipment match your cruising plans? Join Christian Sandvig, University of Michigan professor and member of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, for a thorough look at modern marine communications equipment.
An overheated engine is never good, and it always seems to happen at the worst time. In the third of his GLCC School diesel maintenance series Jim Zima, owner of Great Lakes Diesel in Vermilion, Ohio, will lead you through a thorough and detailed look at how to prevent diesel cooling system issues and what to do when they occur. From his classes at the GLCC School to his classes at the Annapolis Cruisers University, Jim Zima shows us that he is not only a master mechanic but a great teacher. Join Jim for this outstanding webinar.
One of the best parts of cruising is sharing a rum drink with friends at the end of a perfect day on the water. For centuries, cruisers around the world have saluted the setting sun, rum glass in hand. How rum became part of this tradition goes back hundreds of years.