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Great Lakes Weather 2: Forces Controlling The Wind / Using Doppler Weather Radar

This second class in the GLCC School’s four-part Marine Weather Essentials series explores the forces controlling the wind, and then examines how Doppler weather radar is an important resource in avoiding a hair-raising encounter with a thunderstorm.

The first half of this class, The Invisible Forces Controlling the Wind, will explore the atmospheric forces that control the wind, including large-scale dynamics and small-scale features such as lake and land breezes. The wide range of wind forecasting resources on the Internet will also be reviewed.

The second half of this session, Doppler Weather Radar will explore what Doppler weather radar offers the weather-savvy boater. This section will introduce the common types of radar imagery and provide instruction in their interpretation and application. You will learn how weather radar works (along with a few of its quirks) and how it can be used to monitor the development, intensity, and speed of approaching thunderstorms.

Recording of WX00202-j: Great Lakes Weather 2: Forces Controlling The Wind / Using Doppler Weather Radar
Recorded: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Instructor: Mark Thornton

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Meet The Instructor

Mark Thornton
Mark is one of the foremost marine weather authorities on the Great Lakes. In addition to teaching weather classes for GLCCSchool, he is also president of LakeErieWX, a company focused on providing marine weather training and forecasting for Great Lakes boaters.