Knowing your Boat Mechanically

Understanding the many systems on today’s boats can be a daunting prospect, seemingly requiring the knowledge on an electrical engineer, a diesel mechanic, a heating and air conditioning specialist, a refrigeration technician, a hydraulics expert, an electrician, and even a plumber. But when considering that you’ll often be taking your boat miles from ready repair services, the need to acquire at least a basic familiarity with these systems and their maintenance and repair becomes imperative. This webinar will answer some of those needs.
Mark Kish, Mechanical and Electrical Service Supervisor at Larsen Marine in Waukegan, Illinois, on lower Lake Michigan, promises to help demystify many of these systems. As a frequent seminar and boat show speaker on marine maintenance topics, Mark has helped literally hundreds of people better understand their own boat’s systems. In this webinar he’ll explore several critical marine systems, from potable water systems to heads, through-hull fittings and hose maintenance; from refrigeration to air conditioning maintenance; from steering system maintenance to emergency tiller contingency readiness … and more. After Mark’s webinar you’ll no longer be afraid to address many of the basic maintenance and repair tasks that inevitably arise – plus you’ll better understand which issues are best left to trained technicians. If you own a boat you won’t want to miss this information-packed webinar.