Proper Sail Care & New Sail Selection for the Cruising Sailor
We will discuss proper sail maintenance and storage, how to know when to get your sailmaker involved and how to understand the myriad of choices when it comes to buying new sails. Not everything you read on the internet is true; nor does the old salt down the dock know everything about sails. Join us to learn how to sort out the good information from the bad.

Do you sometimes wonder when to send your sails in for service or repair? Do you wonder if the new sail options presented to you really fit your sailing style and boat type? Join us to hear a discussion about sail technologies and materials, what to look for as your sails age, and how to properly describe the way you use your boat. Joe Parker has been sailing on the Great Lakes since 1977 and working on boats, doing sailboat rigging and selling sails since the mid-1980s. He has worked with several of the major sail manufacturers in those years. Join in and bring some questions.