Sharing the Helm

Landlubbers often say when we describe a cruise: “Oh that seems so relaxing!” Really? Boat repairs, navigation, weather, provisioning, docking, sail handling, anchoring, night watches, seven foot waves…relaxing you say? To our credit, we must give the impression that it doesn’t take much effort to have perfect days of sailing ending with cocktails in an idyllic anchorage.
But frankly, boating is serious business and boating as a couple can be stressful if both partners do not have a system to be safe, comfortable, and happy. That’s what we call “sharing the helm”. In this webinar, we will address co-leadership aboard, on practical issues such as boat maintenance and handling, navigation, decision-making about itinerary and weather, negotiation about new purchases, and of course choosing the wine to sip at sunset. We will talk about our strategies for sharing responsibilities and we will bring ideas gleaned from other experienced cruisers.
If you are looking for tips to “share the helm” and make your cruising more relaxing, this webinar is for you, whether you have been boating as a couple for a while, or are new partners in the adventure.
Angèle and Jim have cruised together for more than forty years. They are Great Lakes Cruising Club members and 2003 recipients of the club's prestigious Admiral Bayfield award.