Tropical Weather Forecasting for Cruisers
Cruisers are naturally drawn to the tropics by the promise of shimmering blue water, warm sandy beaches, and predictable trade winds. However, the tropics are also the breeding ground for nature’s most destructive storms – tropical cyclones. Join us to learn more about Tropical Weather systems, and the forecasting and planning that can help assure safe passages in the tropics.

Weather forecasting in the tropics is very different than forecasting in the mid-latitudes. Tropical Weather Forecasting begins with a review of the prevailing weather patterns in the tropics. From there, we’ll discuss where to find weather forecasting products covering the region and learn how to interpret them. We’ll also delve into resources that cover the formation, movement, and evolution of tropical cyclones (tropical depressions, tropical storms and hurricanes). If your cruising plans include the tropics, don’t miss this introduction to tropical weather forecasting.