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Mike and Deb Hervey

Deb and Mike Hervey, with both sail and power experience as well as being both GLCC and AGLCA members, began their Great Loop travels in 2016. They received the Admiral Bayfield Award from the GLCC in 2023 for cruising all five of the Great Lakes. Hop aboard as they share their loop experience and planning.

The Herveys learned to sail on the Mississippi River as high school sweethearts. As adults, they sailed extensively on the Great Lakes until they moved to New York in 1999. There they sailed the New England area from NY to Maine. In 2014 they transitioned to a motor trawler and then started the Great Loop in 2016. They recently completed their Great Loop adventure.

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Looking for the cruise of a lifetime? Do you dream of extending the short boating season of the Great Lakes? This refreshed 2024 Edition webinar will show how you can boat all year around by following the seasons along the Great loop. Join "Gold Loopers" and GLCCSchool instructors Deb and Mike Hervey as they share tips and suggestions to take the mystery out of the trip and provide the confidence for you to do the loop too.
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